The What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed? series, abbreviated to WIDWWA, is an ongoing series created by Benjamin Windibank on his YouTube channel, DaDoctorWhoFan, since June 2016. Between 2017 and 2019, Windibank produced the series with Matthew Moir. Excluding the spin-off series The Elysium, In which, Windibank co-produces said series with The Boy Who Holds The Keys.
The series follows an alternate timeline spawned by the question "What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed in 1989?". Each episode of the series focuses on a different season, as gradually, based upon the previous season, a vast and detailed lore is built up. In July 2018, Windibank and Moir launched the WIDWWA Wiki, acting as an encyclopaedia for the vast alternate universe they had created. Apart from the front page, the wiki seems to be an alternate version of TARDIS Data Core, and it is updated regularly with the release of new episodes of the series. The wiki was initally hosted on FANDOM, but moved to a different profit platform in 2021.
The series was originally launched on YouTube and premiered as such from 2016-2019, the series then moved to firstly Reddit blogposts, before it relaunched on YouTube in 2020, before at the end of the year, the series briefly moved to Wikia blogposts and then permanently in December 2020 to the WIDWWA Wordpress. DaDoctorWhoFan announced, in September 2021, the beginning of an in-depth book series, chronicling the WIDWWA Universe, beginning in early 2022.
In November 2021, Windibank launched The WIDWWA Newsletter a 30-page monthly digital (and limited-run print) magazine, looking at the behind the scenes of the series. The first issue featured incumbent Doctor, Ace Bhatti, on the cover.
WIDWWA Doctors[]
The Doctors in the WIDWWA universe, and the rest of Doctor Who canon, remain the same as ours, up until 1989, where the universe diverges into an alternate timeline.
The following are the Doctors featured after 1990, following the Seventh Doctor's departure that year.
Doctor |
Actor | Tenure | First Story | Last Story |
Eighth Doctor | Richard Griffiths | 1990-95
S28-32 |
Night Thoughts | Hatred of the Daleks |
Ninth Doctor | Micheal French | 1996-2000
S33-37 |
Revenge of the Master | The Chimes of Midnight |
Tenth Doctor | Richard E. Grant | 2000-03
S38-40 |
Night of the Angels | Doctor Who (2003) |
Eleventh Doctor | Anthony Head | 2003-07
S41-43 |
Lord President of Gallifrey | Doctor Who: Revelation |
Twelfth Doctor | Paterson Joseph | 2007-10
S44-46 |
The Silurian Awakening | Doctor Who: Vengeance |
Thirteenth Doctor | David Suchet | 2010-12
S47-48 |
Masters of All | Doctor Who: Endgame |
Fourteenth Doctor | Samantha Bond | 2013-2016
S49-50 |
Doctor Who: Genesis
God Save the Queen |
The Third Planet, Part I |
Fifteenth Doctor | Adjoa Andoh | 2016-2019
S50-53 |
The Third Planet, Part II | Her Final Stand |
Sixteenth Doctor | Ace Bhatti | 2020-present
S54- |
The Screams of Terror | N/A |