Doctor Who Expanded
The Dark Entity - Part One
The Nerd From Hell
Writer Charlotte Cole
Director The Nerd From Hell and Charlotte Cole
Studio None
Broadcast 20th February 2016
Production code 2.1
Running time 15 minutes
Number of
1 episode
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"Changing Time" "The Dark Entity - Part Two"

"Bombs from the planet of Mini cheddars!" -The Doctor

The Dark Entity is the first episode of the second series of Doctor Who: Fan Series. It marks the re-appearance of Claire and The Master (Doctor Who: Fan Series). It was due to be uploaded on 29th February, then was moved back to the Saturday and then moved back to the previous Saturday.


Claire walks into the Tardis as the Doctor has finally found her. He changes his clothes as the Tardis starts going off on it's accord to East London, as Claire drives the Tardis towards it before the Doctor passes out unconscious. She goes to her bed as the Doctor returns, hours after the Tardis landed and starts acting very weird before he suddenly emits regeneration energy as he faints again before his body is taken over by the Dark Entity, or The Master.
