Doctor Who Expanded
The Blonde Doctor
Portrayed by: James McGuinnes
George Guidera
Succeeded by: The Little Red Doctor
Series: DW2012

The Blonde Doctor is an incarnation of The Doctor, originally portrayed by James McGuinnes and in the remastered series by George Guidera, in a series of fanfilms from DynamicWorks2012 (DW2012).

The DW2012 Doctor's originally existed in the same continuity as the Doctor's from NTC PicturesOverton Audios. and Fractured Timeline, but as of 2022 these other fan productions left the DW2012 continuity and formed their own universe, the PRISM Universe. Guidera took his version of the Blonde Doctor and joined two different groups, PRISM and the Doctor Who Expansive Multiverse (DWEM), playing two versions of the same Doctor in different universes.

With the remastered versions of DW2012 still in production, it is unknown if James McGuinnes will come back to play The Blonde Doctor or if a new actor will be cast.


Original Timeline

The Blonde Doctor originally debuted in the first story of the second series, titled Days of Forgotten Past, which was released August 16th, 2014. In the episode the Little Red Doctor (Luke Newman) encounters a past incarnation of himself, The Blonde Doctor as portrayed by McGuinness. This episode takes place across multiple time zones, and begins with the two Doctor's embarking on an adventure as they try to discover why they've encountered one another. The episode ends with The Blonde Doctor steps inside Little Red's TARDIS to see that the desk top has changed, The Little Red Doctor, expecting him to dislike, it bows his head waiting for the classic line 'oh you've redecorated, I don't like it, but is surprised when The Blonde Doctor instead compliments the ships interiors. The Little Red Doctor is somewhat surprised and thanks him. The two get to work in trying to find out the reason for their meeting.

In Series 2, Episode 2, Pearl of the Unknown, the Two Doctor are flying the TARDIS together, but as is the case of too many cooks will spoil the stew, the Doctors end up crashing the TARDIS. Little Red orders the Blonde Doctor to stay in the TARDIS and out of harms way, it seems despite a proposing start, the relationship between the two Doctors has begun to sour. Little Red and Lily venture outside and find themselves at the White Cliffs of Dover, eventually discovering a hidden chamber below one of the cliffs.

The Blonde Doctor wouldn't appear again until episode 5, Into The Mind. Here we find the two Doctors investigating the corruption of their timeline, but events are suddenly changed when the TARDIS falls into a Time Pocket which causes the Little Red to loose his memory. It's up to the other Doctor to go deep into his successors mind via a physic link and help him to recover his lost memories.

Remastered Series

A remake of what was originally DW2012's 50th anniversary special (now in celebratory of the 56th Anniversary of Doctor Who), Eternal Darkness sees every version of the Doctor has been extracted from the time line and placed into a world of their own nightmares. Though the Blonde Doctor didn't appear in the original version of Eternal Darkness, the character was added to the remake, now played by George Guidera, his role in the story was originally filled by The Forehead Doctor, played by Ryan Hennessy.
