Doctor Who Expanded
Matthew Chambers
Actor, writer, audio drama producer
Years Active

Matthew Chambers (born 1984) is a fanon Doctor, fan fiction writer and audio drama producer. He works with friend, David Nagel, on DAM Productions, making audio dramas and sometimes fan films such as the 30th Anniversary Special, Chimera and the Children in Need Special, Pudsai (which he co-wrote with fellow friend and former fanon Doctor, Christopher Thomson). He has also starred in his own fan film as the Doctor in Demons Vison, written the story The Crystal of Thought for The Christopher Thomson Series of Doctor Who, portrayed Lord President Zathrikno in The Ultimate Conflict and has also appeared as his version of the Doctor in Hannah Wolaston's unlovedmadien Torchwood fan series.

He is also friends with fanon Doctors Chris Hoyle, Tony Coburn, John Hutch and Gordon England amonst others.
