Doctor Who Expanded
Matt Moir
Actor/Writer/Director/Producer/Let's Player
Known for
Production Group
22 February 2002
Years Active
2012 - Present
Filmography Role Year(s)
SageOfMuzzyness Sketches Himself 2013-Present
SageOfMuzzyness Christmas Specials Himself, Billy, Grandpa Joe, Priest, Stormtrooper, Narrator 2014-2015
Doctor Who: Adventures in the Yagsune System The Doctor, Dalek Hologram, Bad Guy, Seona, Erojhene, The Master 2015
The Whoniversals Himself 2016-Present
Too Many Doctor Who's?: Which Who is Doctor Who? The Well-Spoken Doctor 2016
Earth Agents General Presance, other characters 2016-Present
Doctor Two Various 2019-Present

Writing Credit

Production Notes Broadcaster
SageOfMuzzyness Christmas Special SageOfMuzzyness
Doctor Who: Adventures in the Yagsune System Writer, 5 Episodes:

"Corruption of the Daleks" (2015)

"The Mystery of the Looplabs" (2015)

"The Cube" (2015)

"Hooded Evil" (2 Episodes) (2015)

What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed? Co-writer (2017-2019) DaDoctorWhoFan
Doctor Who Audio Series (A Very Muzzy Production) Head Writer (TBA-Present) SageOfMuzzyness
Doctor Two Writer:

"Ascension of the Ogri"

Pope Zygon Productions