Doctor Who Expanded

"Lost in the Dark Dimension" is a fan-created animated adaptation of an unmade story of the British science-fiction television programme Doctor Who. Written by Adrian Rigelsford and directed by James Walker and Jay Hale, the episode was originally released between 2014 and 2016.

In the episode, alien time traveller the Doctor (Paul Jones) finds himself trapped in an alternate dimension when an evil time traveler from the future disrupts his regeneration cycle.

The first episode was seen by 50,000 viewers around the world.


The future? The Earth is dying under the onslaught of industry, the polar caps are melting, the ozone layer is nearly destroyed... To save the planet, the Doctor must overcome the combined forces of some of the most feared of his old adversaries. But he must also confront a far greater enemy - one that has already reverted him to his Fourth Incarnation - in order to save both the past and future Doctors before they are taken out of time and cease to exist.


Along with the Fourth Doctor, other Doctors include the Third, Fifth and Sixth. Daleks, Cybermen and Ice Warriors appear, all working under the apparent control of the villain, Hawkspur.


Originally planned for release in 1993 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the show; "Lost in the Dark Dimension" reportedly came about because Tom Baker expressed interest in playing the Doctor again, even going so far as to suggest Douglas Adams as a writer.

Only after a script was completed and numerous costs had already been established, were the other lead actors contacted to gain their participation. However, they were dis-satisfied by the size of their roles in comparison to that of Tom Baker. Sixth Doctor Colin Baker went as far as to suggest that the roles were "interchangeable".

Eventually, the project was cancelled as `the company due to produce it were a distribution network with no rights or experience with which to produce an original work.

In 2013, production began on an unofficial animated adaptation of the story to celebrate the shows 50th anniversary, featuring Paul Jones as the Fourth Doctor.

The Story was Novelised in 20 December 2017 by an unknown Writer.

Cast notes[]

Paul Jones previously appeared in several Big Finish audio dramas and also appeared in an animated adaptation of the 1979 serial Shada.
