Doctor Who Expanded

Connection 13 - Audio Visuals S01E03
Connection 13
Season: 1
Story Number: 3
Doctor: Nicholas Briggs
Companions: Greg Holmes, Nadia
Writer: Stuart Palmer
Producer: Audio Visuals
Release Date: 1985
Running Time: 39 minutes
No. Episodes: 2
Previous Story: The Time Ravagers
Following Story: Conglomerate



Allied with UNIT on Earth, 1990 the Doctor investigates several apparently accidental deaths. All seems to revolve around an international satellite network. It becomes apparent that an alien power intends to use the network of thirteen satellites to irrevocably change the face of the Earth. Time is running out to connection thirteen...


to be added



The Doctor: Nicholas Briggs
Greg Holmes: Richard Marson
Nadia: Sally Baggs
Colonel Drayton: Marilyn Layton
Talvar: Tim Keable
Romney: Nadir Meerza
Merzer: Ian Edmond
Liev: Nick Layton
Liston: Jane Squires
Corporal James: Chris Corney
Graham: Mat Duggan


Script: Stuart Palmer
Music: Brian Marshal
Editor: Nick Layton
Director: John Ryan
Cover Art: Sean Ditchfield
Design: BRIX
Producer: William Baggs

Production Notes[]

Connection 13 was the first story I recorded (Preceding The Time Ravagers), but my involvement began before the recording session. Having been asked by Bill Baggs to play The Doctor, I went to look over my first script — a bundle of faintly typed sheets covered in crossings-out and scribbled notes. I was invited to make sense of it and offer input. This I dutifully did, offering a lengthy, critical speech. It was then that I suddenly realized I was expected to engage my pen to implement practical solutions to the problems so boldly pronounced by my mouth! Working together, Bill and I were able to give Connection 13 some structure, but alas, no originality. As we scribbled, Marilyn Layton (Colonel Drayton) typed. Eventually, we had a script, but not one the director had ever seen before... he still had the old version — it made for some lively debate during the rehearsals and recording!
- Nicholas Briggs, March '92


To be added

See also[]
