Andy Kenobi was born to Obi Wan Kenobi who was in exile on Tatooine and a Time Lady who was hiding from the events of the Time War and they sent him away to Narnia in order to maintain and control his powers and abilities as they both feared that eventually he will become too powerful since he didnt only maintain the power of the force, he spent most of his life in Narnia and when he was ready he went back into the Time War to battle the Daleks but he then ended up in the Time Agency which was torture, slavery and corruption so he teamed up with a handful of other time agents to stop Judgement Day which would see the rising of the Time Agency back in the 21st Century so they went back to before Judgement Day and joined small branches of Time Agents but some of the team lost their memories but they all got a majority of their memories restored before finally succeeding in stoping Judgement Day since then Andy went off to join and work within other teams until he was called into the Time Agency in Shetland formed by SECNAV